Banga工廠位於拉脫維亞的羅哈。 羅哈是庫爾澤梅計畫區的中心,位於里加灣沿岸。
自2012年,Banga 提升產品質量及生產技術,並達到歐洲理事會生產要求及指令,而獲出口至歐洲國家以至美國,日本,中國和其他國家的許可証。
儲存溫度為0c至+ 25c,相對濕度不超過75%。
開封後,必存放在0c至+ 4c的溫度並不超過24小時。
Banga factory is located in Roja, Latvia. Roja is a district centre in Kurzeme at the shores of the Gulf of Riga, where the River Roja falls into the gulf.
Since the beginning of 2012 Banga LTD Ltd has revived in new quality having adjusted and updated its production unit in accordance with requirements of the European Council directives, as well as received a permit for export not only to European countries, but also to the Customs Union states, USA, Japan, China and many other countries.
The main production assortment is high quality processed canned fish that are mainly made of fresh fish from the Baltic Sea. Its PREMIUM range in SAFE plastic, has been awarded by many customers all over the world. Mussels, mackerel, salmon, pates, fried products are ready on daily table.
Sterilized Canned Food. This product is ready for use.
Store at a temperature from 0c to + 25c and relative humidity of not more than 75%.
Once opened, must be stored at a temperature from 0c to +4c for not more that 24 hours.