1. The Old Curiosity Distillery Secret Garden - Gin Geranium & Mallow Limited Edition Origin: Scotland ABV: 46%

Link to shop: 蘇格蘭秘密花園天竺葵錦葵限量版琴酒-500ml
This limited edition geranium mallow gin is distilled with special geranium flowers and mallow flowers. It not only has a unique tea and pine aroma, but also exudes a strong aroma. The taste is rich and smooth, and it also has a touch of jasmine. The delicate pink gin is really intoxicating.
This gin with the elegant packaging of gold is a good gift for girlfriends and close friends!
2. Mars - Japanese Gin Wa Bi Gin Damask Rose Origin: Japan ABV: 45%
Link to shop: 日本和美人大馬士革玫瑰琴酒-495ml
"WA BI GIN Damask Rose" is made by the queen of roses, "Damask Rose". It is the main rose variety grown in Bulgaria and a high-quality rose variety recognized in the world.
This Damascus rose gin is a limited edition gin with a gorgeous rose aroma extracted through the unique method of Mars Tsukan Steaming. It is characterized by a strong Kagoshima organic pesticide-free rose fragrance, soft and comfortable in the mouth, and ends with the fragrance of warm curry leaves, juniper and a touch of herbal tea. It is suitable for ladies to try for the first time.
3. Sakurao Japanese Dry Gin Hamagou Special Edition 2020 Origin: Japan ABV: 47%

Link to shop: 櫻尾日本乾琴酒-2020-hamagou特別版-700ml
Sakurao Japanese Dry Gin Hamagou is a limited-edition gin and it will only be produced during the summer when the flowers bloom.
The leaves of the vine blue purple flowers on the coast near Hiroshima are used to make the fragrance, which is the main feature of this gin. Chose a rich French gin, with lavender, rosemary and other ingredients. There are bursts of floral and citrus in the entrance, with a subtle mint flavor at the end.
They only choose the best ingredients in Hiroshima to brew SAKURAO GIN!
4. Perfume Trees Gin Origin: Holland ABV: 45%

Link to shop: 白蘭樹下-perfume-trees-gin-琴酒-500ml
The gin under the Bailan tree is sourced from Hong Kong and distilled in the Netherlands. Under the white orchid tree, use white orchids to match the same aromatic Indian sandalwood 🥰 use fresh white orchids to extract the freshest white orchid fragrance. By adding 15-year-old tangerine peel, Longjing and Angelica, the warmth and taste of Hong Kong people are presented in the taste buds.
They have won seven awards between 2019-2020.
5. Applewood - Coral Gin Origin: Australia ABV: 43%

Link to shop: 澳洲粉紅琴酒-500ml
Coral gin has a natural pink botanical medicine. The salty taste of coral gin is slightly better than sweet, with a coastal salty taste; full of strawberry scent, with a sour red floral scent, with lychee flesh in the final rhyme And the taste of lychee peel. Definitely a must-have girly gin for girls!
6. J.J Whitley Elderflower Gin Origin: England ABV: 38.6%
Link to shop:英國接骨木花琴酒-700ml
This elderflower gin from the United Kingdom was created by J.J. Whitley, who uses natural sources in the English countryside as the key ingredients for the formula. In addition to juniper berries, coriander and cinnamon are added. The elderflower gin exudes a faint elderflower scent that feels sweet and fresh. The taste exquisite and the elderflower is not overwhelming but balances with the bright aroma of gin. It is sweet and smooth, suitable for ladies to try.
7. Akori - Cherry Blossom Gin Origin: Spain ABV: 40%

Link to shop: 西班牙櫻花琴酒-700ml
Akori's gin is a grain alcohol based mainly on rice, juniper berries and Japanese-inspired plants, and cherry blossoms are particularly prominent. The delicacy of dragon fruit, the lemon blossom of kumquat and the slight spice of ginger are perfectly combined with the subtle fragrance of cherry blossoms. The balanced combination of lemon and floral scents brings some fresh subtle changes, making the taste silky smooth, suitable for ladies and newcomers to start.
8. Ink Gin Origin: Austrlia ABV: 43%

Link to shop: 澳洲蝶豆花琴酒-700ml
The Australian gin wine brand Ink Gin was launched in 2015 and won many industry awards, including Best Innovation in Spirits at the 2016 Australian Drinks Industry Awards, becoming the first handcrafted brand in this category. Among them, the Thai butterfly pea flower will change to light pink when mixed with acidic drinks such as Tonic water, with a fresh and elegant floral fragrance and refreshing taste; it is very popular among women.
9. Marylebone - London Dry Gin The United Kingdom ABV: 50.2%

Link to shop:英國倫敦乾琴酒-700ml
This British London dry gin by Marylebone adds citrus blossoms and chamomile, with a hint of orange aroma; the mouth is strong, the floral aromas of citrus blossoms and chamomile reappear, and the aftertaste is more with the smell of grapefruit peel and star anise. The alcohol content of this piano is relatively high, so it is suitable for ladies to drink with ice.
10. Bauhinia Gin Origin: Hong Kong ABV: 40.8%

Link to shop: 洋紫荊香港倫敦乾琴酒-700ml
Bauhinia Hong Kong London Dry Gin is a scallop of Bauhinia Pine Nut Wine, which uses London Dry Gin made from Hong Kong Bauhinia. With fresh ginseng berries, fragrant floral and citrus aromas; spicy, warm ginger in the mouth, and a touch of floral and citrus in the aftertaste.