Tarsier - Oriental Pink English Gin 英國東方粉紅琴酒 700ml




“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”


Tarsier - Oriental Pink Gin 英國東方粉紅琴酒帶有花香和荔枝等水果的清新氣息,適合配以Tonic製作清涼Gin & Tonic (在玻璃杯中加入冰塊,並用覆盆子和一小枝薄荷裝飾)。 適合開Party和朋友歡聚暢飲。 

Tarsier Gin takes you on a journey of adventure and discovery from the white sands of Boracay to the street food of Bangkok,the bustling streets of Saigon and the majestic temples of Angkor Wat. Named after the Philippine Tarsier, one of the world’s smallest primates, Tarsier Gin is perfectly embodied with its small stature and big eyes as the brand is a small batch gin with big flavour and personality.

Tarsier Gin帶你踏上冒險之旅, 從長灘島白沙上的發現到曼谷的街頭美食,到西貢的繁華街道 以及吳哥窟雄偉的廟宇。 以世界上最小的靈長類動物-菲律賓眼鏡猴命名,Tarsier Gin是完美地配合眼鏡猴金猴其小身材和大眼睛的特徵,因其品牌的琴酒是一款小批量,但味道濃郁且個性十足。

A blushing gin expression created by the founders of Tarsier Gin. Raspberries and Red Dragon Fruit are distilled alongside Galangal, Calamansi and seven traditional gin botanicals. After distillation, Raspberry and Lychee are infused into the spirit, giving it a pink hue.

Tarsier Oriental Pink Gin是用覆盆子火龍果與高良薑、酸橙和七種傳統杜松子酒植物藥混合蒸餾。蒸餾後,將覆盆子和荔枝加入酒中,使酒呈現出粉紅色。

Tarsier - Oriental Pink English Gin 700ml
Tarsier - 英國東方粉紅琴酒 700ml

ABV: 40%

產地: 英國
Country of Origin: UK

風味:     杜松子丨果皮花香水果丨草本植物香料
Flavor:  Juniper丨CitrusFloralFruit Herbal丨Spice 

Featured botanicals: lychee, red dragon fruits, rapsberries
特色植物: 荔枝、火龍果、覆盆子


香氣與味道: 紅色花香,熱帶水果的清新氣息。味道一股荔枝甜味和胡椒杜松味
Aroma and Taste: : Red floral notes, freshness of the tropical fruits . The Palate is a burst of Lychee sweetness and Peppery juniper.


Cocktail Recipes: Gin & Tonic, Dry Martini

Recommended Tonic: Fever-Tree Light Tonic, Strange Love Light Tonic


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