Mars - Japanese Gin Wa Bi Gin Damask Rose 日本和美人大馬士革玫瑰琴酒 - 495ml




“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

Mars - Japanese Gin Wa Bi Gin Damask Rose 日本和美人大馬士革玫瑰琴酒  - 495ml

ABV: 45%

Origin: Japan

Based on Japanese traditional technique and botanicals made in Kagoshima (鹿児島), “和美人 WA BI GIN Damask Rose” is made from the queen of rose, Damask Rose. Limited edition which extracted the gorgeous rose aroma by Mars’s unique method.

“和美人 WA BI GIN Damask Rose”以鹿児島的日本傳統技術和當地生產植物為基礎,由以玫瑰皇后“大馬士革玫瑰”釀成。是通過Mars津貫蒸溜所的獨特方法提取出華麗的玫瑰香氣的限量版杜松子酒。

Tasting note: This small batch release arrives from Mars Tsunuki, a distillery better known for their whiskies. Launched in 2018 for the Japanese market, it's distilled from rice and infused with petals from the famed Rosa Damascene hybrid, a variety renowned for its striking colour and fine fragrance, much sought after by perfumers. The bouquet opens with top notes of rose water and rose hips over fresh curry leaves and refreshing juniper. Creamy, elegant and beautifully integrated, the floral qualities are nicely captured on the palate too. It ends with warming spice, juniper and hints of herbal teas. Ginger and perilla (shiso) are also in the botanical mix.

酒評:這個小批量發行來自Mars Tsunuki,這是一家以威士忌酒而聞名的釀酒廠。 它於2018年面向日本市場推出,從大米中蒸餾而成,並註入著名的Rosa Damascene雜交種的花瓣,該品種以其醒目的顏色和精美的香氣而聞名,受到調香師的追捧。 花束的開頭是玫瑰水和玫瑰果,上面有新鮮的咖哩葉和新鮮的杜松。 口感柔和,優雅,精美,花香也很不錯。 最後以變暖的香料,杜松和淡淡的涼茶來結束。 生薑和紫蘇(shiso)也在植物混合物中。


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