“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”
Deep Creek - Crazy Hazy IPA Seasonal Craft Beer 限量版紐西蘭手工啤酒 440ml (2罐)
Deep Creek - Crazy Hazy IPA Seasonal Craft Beer 440ml (Two Can)
我們的第一個果味朦朧 IPA。你以前認為我們的 Hazies 多汁……等你試試這個吧!裝滿真正的水果,為您帶來您熟悉和喜愛的濃郁風味。
Our first Fruited Hazy IPA. You thought our Hazies were juicy before... well wait till you try this one! Packed full of REAL fruit to give you that punchy full flavour you've come to know and love.
酒精度: 6.7%
ABV: 6.7%
產地: 紐西蘭
Origin: New Zealand
Untapped網站評分: 3.66
Untappd: 3.66
Based on 1 review