“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”
技術工程師出身的提姆.韋斯(Tim Veys)因為興趣使然,因緣際會下成為位於比利時摩恩(Moen)葡萄酒商-克里斯托夫.迪梅爾(Christophe Demeyer)的侍酒師。提姆某日帶著自己蒸餾的琴酒讓迪梅爾嘗試,開啟迪梅爾另闢琴酒蒸餾事業的想法。迪梅爾替提姆創立「設計烈酒(Spirits by Design)」公司從事琴酒研發。
Meyer's - M2 Gin 500ml
梅爾 - M2 Gin 比利時琴酒 500ml
ABV: 40%
產地: 比利時
Country of Origin: Belgium
風味: 杜松子丨果皮 丨花香丨水果 丨草本植物 丨香料
Flavor: Juniper丨Citrus丨Floral 丨Fruit 丨Herbal丨Spice
Botanicals: Juniper berries, White asparagus, Coriander Seeds, Cardamom, lavender, Iris root, Rosemary, sage
香氣與味道: 帶有白蘆筍,香豌豆,鼠尾草和杜松的辛辣和植物香味。
Aroma and Taste: Spicy and botanical aromas of white asparagus, sweet peas, sage and juniper
Cocktail Recipes: Gin & Tonic, Dry Martini, Tom Collins
Recommended Tonic: Fever-Tree Premium Indian Tonic Water, StrangeLove No.8 Tonic, Fever-Tree Soda Water