“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”
The Macallan麥卡倫 - 12 Years Old Highland Single Malt Sherry Oak Cask Scotch Whisky 蘇格蘭12年單一麥芽雪莉橡木桶威士忌 50ml
ABV: 40%
產地: 英國
Country of Origin: UK
The Macallan Sherry Oak 12 Years Old forms part of our Sherry Oak range which features a series of single malt whiskies matured exclusively in hand-picked sherry seasoned oak casks from Jerez for richness and complexity. A matured character, the 12 Years Old delivers rich wood spice and dried fruits and a natural rich gold colour.
Sherry Oak 系列酒款之一 The Macallan Sherry Oak 12 Years Old,精選多款單一麥芽威士忌,主要熟成於精心挑選的 Jerez(赫雷斯)雪莉橡木桶,風味濃醇豐厚、深奧微妙。此款以成熟風味為特色的 12 年份酒款,散發濃郁的木頭辛香味與果乾香氣,酒色呈現天然的深金色澤。
Tasting Notes:
Color: Rich gold.
Nose: Complex with hints of vanilla.
Palate: Smooth, medium balanced with fruit, oak and spice.
Finish: Long with sweet dried fruits, oak and spice.
餘韻: 久久不散的香甜果乾味、橡木味與香料味。