Chako - Mango & Blood Orange Tie Guan Yin Sparkling Tea Cocktail 血橙芒果鐵觀音氣泡雞尾酒 - 250ml (3罐)




“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

Chako - Mango & Blood Orange Tie Guan Yin Sparkling Tea Cocktail 血橙芒果鐵觀音氣泡雞尾酒 - 250ml (3罐)

ABV酒精度: 7% 

產地: 香港

              血橙的微酸清甜滲透出出芒果蜜甜,以琥珀色的 鐵觀音相配,茶味帶有微澀甘香、口感濃厚豐富 ,令果甜與茶香互相中和,配以氈酒,杜松子的 香氣與熱帶果香相相融和,屬系列中味道較為香 濃的一款。

              Let the wonderfully long-lasting aroma of Tie Guan Yin guide you through a tropical journey with the company of mangoes and blood oranges. This crowd-pleasing gin-based bubble embodies a profile of gentle tartness, intriguing fruitiness, and a toasty undertone. It is the kind of drink that gives a lingering finish which you will not be able to stop thinking about after the can is emptied.

              世界冠軍級知名調酒師 Antonio Lai 與香港冠軍級知名調酒師 Alex Ko 向來獨具慧眼且具前膽遠見,一直致力推動並革新本地酒吧業及雞尾酒文化。隨著近年悠閒 小酌的生活文化日漸流行,Antonio 和 Alex 隨即萌生了為高品質的雞尾酒增添便利性的想法 ,並將他們備受追捧的氣泡雞尾酒入罐,讓雞尾酒能更輕易融入日常和長時間保存。經過一年 研調與籌備,終於推出這款以原片茶葉沖泡為主打的罐裝氣泡雞尾酒 —— CHAKO。為了確 保出品質素,他們更於香港自設廠房,創立了罐裝雞尾酒系列 CAN-TO CANS ,由專業團隊監 控,讓各雞尾酒愛好者都可隨時隨地享用高品質的罐裝雞尾酒。

              三款口味均由 Antonio 及 Alex 聯手合力研發,經過多番測試及微調,令雞尾酒的味道富有層 次,而且口感豐富。整個系列的雞尾酒均以真正茶葉沖泡的茶底來調製,入口便迎來清幽茶香 ,陣陣清甜果香亦隨之而來,從滿活力的氣泡更來帶讓人舒暢的口感。

              罐裝的氣泡雞尾酒輕便易於攜帶,而且酒精濃度低約7%。無論於家中舉 行小型派對、TGIF與同事們下班後暢飲,或是聯同好友到戶外野餐,都十分適合帶上CHAKO 氣泡雞尾酒,與好友親朋間短聚小酌。

              World Class mixologist Antonio Lai and Hong Kong award-winning mixologist Alex Ko never cease to pioneer ventures into ground-breaking cocktail notions, crafting arrays of trendsetting drinks for cocktail lovers around the globe. With the rise of demand for casual drinking, Antonio and Alex coincidentally sprouted the idea of a mess-free and portable bar-quality concoction to incorporate cocktails into daily life. After a year of preparation and numerous trials in canning their creations, Antonio and Alex have brought CHAKO, a ready-to-drink canned sparkling tea cocktail concept to life, with all cans being manufactured locally in their own factory, under the canned cocktail brand CAN-TO CANS and monitored by a professional team for the finest quality

              The three distinctive flavours are cooperatively invented by Antonio and Alex with the goal of achieving an utmost balance of multi-layered textures and aromatic flavours. Featuring self-brewed tea as the foundation of the series, the choices of tea leaves are thoughtfully selected in pairing with premium spirits alongside the natural sweetness of fruit extracts. To create a delightful mouthfeel, the drink is implemented with carbonation for a comforting bubbly tang.

              Alike its light and fizzy character, CHAKO is presented in a lightweight Instagrammable can, that can be enjoyed effortlessly at your desired time and place. Be it a cozy party at home, a casual happy hour with your colleagues, or a summer picnic at the park, CHAKO is the perfect companion to bring along with.


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