“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”
Vignerons de Buxy - 法國布根地紅葡萄酒 Mercurey Rouge 750ml (黑皮諾, 黑加侖子, 車厘子)
Vignerons de Buxy - French Burgundy Red Wine Mercurey Rouge (Pinot Nior, Cherry, Blackberry) - 750ml
WE: 88 / 100
Vivino: 3.7 / 5
年份: 2019
產地: 法國
Origin: France
地區: 布根地
Area: Burgundy
法定產區: 布爾岡
Appellation area: Bourgogne
葡萄品種: 100% 黑比諾
grape variety: 100% Pinot Noir
酒精度: 13.5%
ABV: 13.5%
酒體及單寧: 薄單寧及薄酒體
Body and Tannins: Thin and Thin
甜度及酸度: 酸度強烈, 不甜
Sweetness and Acidity: Strong acidity, not sweet
味道: 聞起來很甜,口感有深度和一些豐富的味道,混合了黑色和紅色水果。 水果的層次賦予了複雜性。
Taste: Smells sweet, with depth and some richness on the palate, with a mix of black and red fruits. The layers of fruit impart complexity.
食物配搭: 牛肉, 家禽類如雞肉