Two Moons Calamansi Gin 限量版香港四季柑乾琴酒 - 200ml


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“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

Two Moons Distillery - 坐落在香港鋼筋水泥叢林的中心地帶,是第一家能夠容納遊客的釀酒廠,生產100%本地製造的優質手工杜松子酒。由兩個當地釀酒師建立,體驗小批量手工製作的空前優雅和復雜的杜松子酒,旨在激勵杜松子酒愛好者和偶爾的飲酒者用美麗的蒸餾工藝。

Distilled with locally-grown Calamansi, our all-new summer gin aims to deliver a thirst-quenching experience amidst Hong Kong’s summer heat and humidity. A native fruit to Southeast Asia, the Calamansi’s crisp aroma, strategically paired with juniper berries and hint of spruce bring on an incredibly fresh and invigorating citrus experience.

Committed to sourcing locally to create this bottle, our star of the show Calamansi is sourced directly from a local farm in Sheung Shui as part of our farm-to-bottle initiative to take advantage of the city’s stellar local produce. Representing the quintessential countryside of Hong Kong in the summertime, enjoy a punchy, flavor-packed gin, perfect for adventure-seeking palates craving a new sensation and experience.



Two Moons Calamansi Gin 限量版香港四季柑乾琴酒 - 200ml
Two Moons Calamansi Gin Limited Edition - 200ml

ABV: 47%

產地: 香港
Country of Origins: Hong Kong 


風味:     杜松子丨果皮 丨花香水果 丨草本植物 丨香料
Flavor:  Juniper丨CitrusFloral Fruit Herbal丨Spice 


香氣與味道: 香氣明亮,爽脆,有濃郁的四季柑味。小口品嚐時,清新的四季柑香味逐漸演變成柔和的杜松子香氣,最後以雲杉尖端的餘韻收尾,呈現出層次感的四季柑香味。
Aroma and Taste: Characteristically Calamansi on the nose — bright, crisp and zesty. When sipped, refreshing notes of citrus develop into a soft undertone of juniper berries, before finishing with a lingering flavor of spruce tips for a layered citrus flavor profile.



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Recommend Cocktail Recipes:  Gin & Tonic

Recommended Tonic: Fever-Tree Premium Indian Tonic, StrangeLove - Tonic No.8 Indian Tonic

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