Cragganmore Distillers Edition Single Malt Scotch Whisky 單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌 - 700ml


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“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

Cragganmore Distillers Edition Single Malt Scotch Whisky 單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌 - 700ml

ABV: 40%

產地:英國, 蘇格蘭

Country of Origin: UK, Scotland

Cragganmore 酒廠於 1869-70 年在 Ballindalloch 為蒸餾傳奇人物 John Smith 建造,然後在 1901 年由他的兒子 Gordon 重建,被描述為歷史上被業界高度評價的釀酒廠。

酒廠入口處有一扇醒目的鍛鐵門,上面寫著名字,它來自附近的山丘,Craggan Mor,石頭就是從那裡被用來建造酒廠的。

這是來自斯佩塞酒廠 Cragganmore 的 Distillers Edition 。 每瓶酒都是通過以前盛過強化葡萄酒的木桶中進行雙重熟化,釀製而成。 Cragganmore 的複雜性規定了一種不同尋常的選擇,在波特酒桶中熟化使威士忌具有甜美和果味的深度。帶有豐富而甜美的口味,酒體和港口酒桶的味道,突出了干果和蜂蜜。

Built in Ballindalloch for distilling legend John Smith in 1869-70 and then rebuilt by his son Gordon in 1901, Cragganmore Distillery is described as the most highly regarded distillery in history.

At the entrance to the winery is a striking wrought iron gate with the famous inscription, which comes from the nearby hill, Craggan Mor, from which the stone was used to build the winery.

This is the Distillers Edition from Speyside Distillery Cragganmore. Each bottle is double-aged in wooden barrels that have previously held fortified wines. The complexity of Cragganmore dictates an unusual choice, with maturation in port casks giving the whisky a sweet and fruity depth. With rich and sweet flavours, body and port cask flavours accentuated by dried fruit and honey.





Nose: Caramel, grains, roasted orchard fruit and a hint of smoke.

Palate: Jam apple, candied plum, burnt oak, malt bread.

Finish: Cocoa nibs, vanilla and a hint of dry oak.

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