Chugoku - Kawaii Shiroi Chardonnay 日本白葡萄乳酪酒 - 720ml

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$198 $268
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“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

Chugoku - Kawaii Shiroi Chardonnay 日本白葡萄乳酪酒 - 720ml

ABV: 6%

Origin: Japan

You could enjoy the sweet flavors from raw milk and fruit juices. The chardonnay (white grape) gives off an image of an innocent and adorable lady, also teaches us to share with each other. The sweet taste and lovely bright chardonnay note satisfy you in the pure, far away hustles and bustles of the busy world. 

您可以享受原奶和果汁的甜味。 霞多麗(白葡萄)散發出一種天真可愛的淑女形象,也教會了我們彼此分享。 甜美的味道和可愛的霞多麗風味使您在繁忙的世界中純淨而遙遠的喧囂中感到滿意。

Mix with soda, white wine, champagne or milk with ice at any ratio. Pouring cool Kawaii Shiroi Litchi on frappe is recommended.  

將蘇打水,白葡萄酒,香檳或牛奶與冰任意比例混合。建議將涼爽的Kawaii Shiroi Litchi倒在

 -Please shake before drink.


-Storage in cool, dry and dark condition. 


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