Cellmesotec - Skin Oxygenator Detoxifying Cleansing Foam - 瑞士O2 酵素排毒潔面泡(收毛孔、抗氧化、敏感肌必備、超溫和卸妝洗臉二合一) 100ml

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CELLMESOTEC - Skin Oxygenator Detoxifying Cleansing Foam - 瑞士O2 酵素排毒潔面泡(收毛孔、抗氧化、敏感肌必備、超溫和卸妝洗臉二合一) 100ml


Origin: Switzerland



主要成分由Oxygen Bubble Agents、BROMELAIN菠蘿酵素、LAURIC ACID月桂酸、GLUCOSE葡萄糖、磷脂質。百分百溫和清潔,還能抗炎抗敏,增強細胞活力,穩定皮膚狀態。


The main ingredients are Oxygen Bubble Agents, BROMELAIN pineapple enzyme, LAURIC ACID lauric acid, GLUCOSE glucose, phospholipid. It is 100% gentle and clean, and can also resist inflammation and allergies, enhance cell vitality, and stabilize skin condition.

It is a perfect 4-in-1 cleansing product. When washing your face, you only need to apply it evenly to the whole face. After 5 seconds, it will automatically generate oxygen bubbles, add water to polish it, and finally rinse it off with water. At the same time, it can remove makeup and cleanse, tighten pores, exfoliate, detoxify and other functions.


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