Artemis Wine - 澳洲新南威爾斯 南方高地希哈紅葡萄酒 Shiraz Red Wine 2019 - 750ml

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$240 $280
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“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

Artemis Wine - 澳洲新南威爾斯 南方高地希哈紅葡萄酒 Shiraz Red Wine 2019 - 750ml

Artemis Wine - Aussie NSW Southen Highland Shiraz Red Wine 2019 - 750ml (Shiraz, cherry, strawberry and white chocolate)

產地: 澳洲 Australia

地區: 新南威爾斯 New South Wales

法定產區: 南方高地 Southern Highlands

葡萄品種: 100% 希哈 Shiraz

酒精度: 14%

ABV: 14%

酒體及單寧:  酒體中等,中單寧

Body and Tannins: Medium bodied and Mid tannins

甜度及酸度: 酸度偏強

Sweetness and Acidity: Strong acidity


酒體為深紫色。酒體中等,帶有紅色漿果、胡椒和朱古力的香氣。柔和、優雅的單寧支撐著口感,充滿黑櫻桃和樹莓的味道。在 4 噸開放式發酵罐中發酵,並在法國橡木桶中陳釀 18 個月


Dark Purple. This shiraz is medium bodied with red berry, pepper and chocolate aromas. Soft, elegant tannins support the palate with full flavours of dark cherry and raspberries.

Fermented in 4 tonne open fermenters and aged in French oak hogsheads for 18 months



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