酩帝Michter’s是美國第一家威士忌蒸餾廠,原本叫Shenk’s,運用精選美國黑麥裸麥穀物以剪切的方法以最大限度地提取穀物的風味,與全球頂級釀酒師Willie Pratt 與Pam Heilmann攜手,用絕佳的熱情、精湛的技術精心釀造了宛若藝術的Michter’s酩帝威士忌。
“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”
Michter's 酩帝 - 10 years Bourbon American Whiskey 美國10年波本威士忌 750ml
ABV: 47.2%
產地: 美國
Country of Origin: US
Michter's is the first whisky distillery in the United States. It was originally called Shenk's. It uses selected American rye rye grains to maximize the extraction of grain flavor. Together with the world's top distillers Willie Pratt and Pam Heilmann, Michter's whiskey has been carefully crafted with great enthusiasm and exquisite technology.
酩帝Michter’s是美國第一家威士忌蒸餾廠,原本叫Shenk’s,運用精選美國黑麥裸麥穀物以剪切的方法以最大限度地提取穀物的風味,與全球頂級釀酒師Willie Pratt 與Pam Heilmann攜手,用絕佳的熱情、精湛的技術精心釀造了宛若藝術的Michter’s酩帝威士忌。
Tasting Notes:
Aroma: Toasted spices, cinnamon, spicy, black pepper, fruity.
Taste: A fragrant rye that has been sleeping for ten years, with a strong aroma immersed in it.
Finish : Full-bodied and fruity.
餘韻 : 渾厚酒體、果香濃郁。
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