Higashi Shuzo 東酒造株式會社 - Little Kiss Coffee Shochu 日本珈琲燒酎 750ml


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“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

Higashi Shuzo 東酒造株式會社 - Little Kiss Coffee Shochu 日本珈琲燒酎 750ml

ABV: 14%


Ingredients: Rice Shochu, Coffee

Organic Coffee SHOCHU liqueur. Made by infusing Coffee with Kome (Rice) Shochu. Delicate and smooth aroma bringing through the flavours of coffee. Recommend to drink chilled, on the rocks or even adding some soda water.

有機咖啡燒酎利口酒。 通過在咖啡中加入Kome(Rice)燒酒製成。 細膩柔滑的香氣帶入咖啡的風味。 建議喝冷飲,在加冰,甚至加一些蘇打水。

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