Martell Cordon Bleu Extra Old Cognac - 馬爹利藍帶陳年干邑 700ml


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“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

Martell Cordon Bleu Extra Old Cognac - 馬爹利藍帶陳年干邑 700ml

ABV: 40%

產地: 法國
Country of Origin: France

這是一款運用了世界頂級干邑白蘭地釀造而成的白蘭地,Martell這個牌子也是因此而出名。酒瓶上有著Extra Old的標籤,代表了這瓶把藍迪是在橡木桶陳釀了比較久的時間,再經過Martell古老的雙蒸蒸餾法,萃取而出的生命之水繼續陳釀而成的,因此酒香醇厚,口感順滑細緻。

This is a brandy brewed with the world's top cognac brandy, and the brand Martell is also famous for this. There is an Extra Old label on the wine bottle, which means that this bottle has been aged in oak barrels for a long time, and then the water of life extracted by Martell's ancient double-distillation method continues to age. The result is a full-bodied wine with a smooth and delicate taste.





Tasting Notes
The Colour:
 Amber with a mahogany tone.
The Aroma: ‘Tarte Tatin’, or apple pie, with notes of sweet spices like cinnamon. Then, fine notes of dried fruit and nuts, including apricot, raisin and almond.
The Taste: Elegance, balance, mellow roundness, a sustained finish distinguished by notes of candied orange peel. Rich and luscious.

Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac was originally created by Edouard Martell in 1912. It is a sultry, stylish cognac with a lovely fruity, spicy flavour.

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