Ginetic - Dry Gin 法國乾琴酒 700ml


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“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

A Gin Distilled like Cognac

Ginetic Gin is created using traditional French distillations techniques, double-distilled in Charentais stills - the same kind used for centuries to produce Cognac. A blend of six botanicals are gently heated in a bain-marie: juniper, Jamaican pepper, lemon peel, Spanish coriander, angelica and cinchona bark. This gin reveals notes of fresh citrus with a distinct touch of ginger. Enjoy it in a long drink and let the bubbles enhance the discovery. Unique flavors to inspire passionate mixologists.


Ginetic Gin是採用傳統的法國蒸餾技術製造的,在Charentais蒸餾器中進行了兩次蒸餾-數百年來一直用於生產乾邑白蘭地。將六種草本植物材料的混合物輕輕加熱:杜松,牙買加胡椒,檸檬皮,西班牙香菜,當歸和金雞納樹皮。這種琴酒散發出新鮮柑橘香氣,帶有獨特的生薑味。長時間喝一杯,享受其中的樂趣,讓氣泡增加箇中的樂趣。

Ginetic - Dry Gin 法國乾琴酒 700ml
Ginetic - Dry Gin - 700ml

ABV: 40%

產地: 法國
Country of Origin: France

風味:     杜松子丨果皮 丨花香水果  丨草本植物  香料
Flavor:  Juniper丨CitrusFloral Fruit  Herbal丨Spice 

Botanicals: Juniper, Jamaican pepper, Lemon peel, Spanish coriander, Angelica,  Cinchona bark


香氣與味道: 香氣清新,散發著柑橘香,生薑和明亮而刺鼻的杜松風味鮮明。杜松子味佔有主導地位,並輔以花香和辛辣的胡椒味。
Aroma and Taste: The aroma is fresh, with citrus aromas, ginger and juniper. Juniper  berry flavor dominates, complemented by floral and spicy pepper flavors.

Cocktail Recipes: Gin & Tonic, Dry Martini

Recommended Tonic: Fever Tree Indian Tonic

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