“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”
Foam Beer 瘋啤 - 陳皮啤 Chan Pui Beer Amber Ale HK Craft Beer 香港手工啤酒 330ml (原箱24樽)
⽤上風乾15年以上的新會陳⽪釀製⽽成, 並帶有陳⽪獨有的清香, 尾韻柔⽢, 配以美式Amber Ale為本, 加上低烘焙⼤麥帶有焦糖麥芽味,順滑⼝感,帶有清新柑橘的酒花香
Ingredients: 陳皮, 大麥, 啤酒花
酒精度: 5.5%
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