Farmer's - Organic Gin 美國有機琴酒 750ml


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Farmer's - Organic Gin 美國有機琴酒 750ml
Farmer's - Organic Gin - 750ml

ABV: 46.7%

產地: 美國
Country of Origin: USA

有機的琴酒—Farmer's Organic Gin

Farmer's Organic Gin是一款有機的琴酒經過精心挑選的植物和最純淨的非轉基因穀物小批量製成。Farmer's Organic Gin的蒸餾液由美國農業部有機認證的可持續種植穀物製成,這為琴酒增添了最原始的調味。Farmer's Organic Gin的複雜性和獨特的口感源於它均衡的植物藥選擇。

風味:     杜松子丨果皮  花香水果  丨草本植物  丨香料
Flavor:  Juniper丨CitrusFloral Fruit  Herbal丨Spice 

Botanicals: Juniper, elderflower, lemongrass, coriander and angelica root


香氣與味道: 接骨木花香增強了杜松,檸檬草和芫荽在內的植物成分在味覺上顯露無遺,明亮的柑橘味
Aroma and Taste: tanical ingredients including juniper, lemongrass and coriander to reveal the palate, bright citrus flavor


Cocktail Recipes: Gin & Tonic, Dry Martini

Recommended Tonic: Fever Tree Indian Tonic, Strange Love No.8

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